John Spencer Ellis is at it again. The guy just has so many things going on. When I think there is no possible way he can come up with something else that is cool? he does. What he?s done now is acquire and rebuild an online university. It?s being called Wexford University. And in this interview with John he goes through exactly what it is, and what he had to go through to finally achieve a big dream he has had for a very long time .
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About John Spencer Ellis And Wexford University
Seriously, who else would in the fitness industry would think of owning an online university?
That takes some pretty serious entrepreneurial cojones.
It takes a TON of patience, planning, hard work, and straight up cash to be able to end up with your own school.
Now I?m not going to lie, that would be pretty cool to own one, but I bet you what John went through to acquire this, is 10x more than what he spoke about in the interview.
When it comes to helping to put the fitness industry another step forward, an online university such as Wexford is going to be a huge asset.
Fitness professionals, or would be fitness professionals are going to have the opportunity to really come away with some solid knowledge from a place like Wexford.
That?s not to say that there probably isn?t other schools that offer similar degrees, but the fact that it?s being operated by someone who is in the industry makes this a much better option.
Since John has been in the industry for a while, and in the trenches he knows what is needed for a place like Wexford to be a top notch educational institution.
In the interview John discusses exactly what the school will be offering, the investment, and even how he came up with the idea to have a school like Wexford.
So check out this interview with John Spencer Ellis about Wexford University.
John Spencer Ellis Wexford University Highlights
- How long it?s taken to make Wexford University a reality.
- How Wexford came about.
- What type of degrees are offered at Wexford.
- Why they closed the original university and decided to pretty much start over.
- What the process is like to get a degree from Wexford.
- Why online degrees are so powerful.
- How Wexford is different from other online universities.
- Why Wexford was renamed and bought instead of starting from scratch.
- What the process is like to actually acquire a university.
- How long it takes to get a .edu web address.
- Why Wexford University is designed to help and educate.
- Why John wanted to have a university.
- Who the faculty is.
- What John?s role is.
- What?s the enrollment process is like, and when does it open up.
- How many people want to enroll.
- How much of an investment Wexford is.
- How John was able to find a university to acquire.
If Wexford University sounds like something you?re interested in, head over to the website at
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